What is sex doll LHP

What is sex doll LHP
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What is sex doll LHP

If you are a newbie to the sex doll world or if it is your first time to notice the word LHP, you might be wondering what LHP is? Today we will give you a detailed explanation of what LHP is.


  1. 1. What is sex doll LHP

LHP is the abbreviation for “Love Hole Placement”, which is a hot discussion topic on every doll forum, including the mouth hole, vaginal hole and anal hole, but most doll lovers like to talk about vaginal hole and anal hole. LHP varies from dolls to dolls and it is determined during the design process and cannot be changed once the doll mold is completed. What’s more, LHP is one of the critical consideration for most doll lovers when choosing their sex dolls, and the sex dolls with good LHP are always preferred and recommended by doll lovers.


  1. 2. What is the correct sex doll LHP?

First of all, a correct sex doll LHP should conform to the real female/male LHP. There are lots of dolls with incorrect LHP that their vaginal hole is farther higher and the anal hole is too lower, the vagina part placed closed to doll’s belly while anus hole placed almost at the doll’s vagina position. There is an explanation of perfect LHP from a TDF member—— when the doll is placed to lie flat and face upward, you should be able to penetrate the anal hole with ease, and when the doll is placed on her/his fours on doggie style, you should be able to penetrate the vaginal hole.

Secondly, a correct sex doll LHP should meet the requirements of the public. In the past few years, many doll lovers complained that the LHP designs of most dolls are unreasonable, which only facilitate the traditional missionary position. Although the doll is really beautiful, it is difficult for sex. A doll with right LHP not only ensures excellent realism, but also provides the perfect sex experience.

Thirdly, a correct sex doll LHP should be basically suitable for different kinds of sexual poses. Since the movement range of the doll skeleton is limited, the sex doll cannot match many sex positions during sex like a real woman, so a correct LHP is very important. Moreover, for doll lovers, the most common sex poses are missionary, doggy style and cowgirl pose. The dolls with correct LHP can easily simulate those different sex poses, and provide a real-person-like experience for every users.

Here we have collected some pictures of correct LHP and incorrect LHP, you can visually discover the differences between them:

Correct LHP:


Incorrect LHP:


  1. 3. Why is the doll LHP important?

LHP is one of the most important indicators for customers when selecting their dolls, but why?

** The User Experience: As we all know, the main use of love holes is for sexual intercourse, and the majority of doll lovers buy dolls to satisfy their physiological needs and psychological comfort. A doll with perfect LHP not only can bring much more realistic and pleasant feeling of sex, but also will be more flexible and safer when making love, give doll lovers a good sense of satisfaction and excitement.

** The Market Demand: There is a popular poll about the sex doll LHP on the doll forum, and its data shows that 97% of members voted for “the correct LHP is really important and preferred”, which also proves there is a large market demand for dolls with correct LHP. Additionally, in terms of the sex doll sales around the world, the doll with good LHP sales are always very high.


  1. 4. What about Starpery dolls’ LHP?

Deeply ingrained in the doll industry for many years, only fans who truly understand our brand will know that Starpery is famous for its realistic product details and exquisite engravings. When designing new products, we will fully take the real female structure, market demand and our doll lovers’ opinions and use habit into account. Among Starpery top sellers, 148F, 172 F, 163 C/G, 165 D/G, 171 D, 174 C, 174 D, 173 G and 176F are all with perfect LHP. Welcome to have a look first:

Want to get more doll LHP pictures, please contact us: info@starpery.com

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