Starpery sex doll heating 3.0 --Part 1

Starpery sex doll heating 3.0 --Part 1
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Starpery sex doll heating 3.0 --Part 1

Starpery sex doll heating 3.0 --Part 1

Hi guys
Since the doll is born, people find if the doll is warm, then it can be nice more, even in the winter, the cold skin makes us no any feeling to the doll. Doll fans pull back their hands once they touch the cold doll skin.
So in 2015, the first generation heating was sold, its method is the heating wire, and twined in the metal skeleton. Due to the low technique, we heard some dolls were burn from time to time.

And the headache problem is the 1st heating is very random to heat, for example, the leg continue heating, and get kind of warm, but the belly is cold still, whole electronic circuits don't stop the leg part working, finally it burns.
About 2017, heating supplier provide the 2nd generation heating, the suppiler changed the wire to be a cellucotton which the heating wire is wrapped inside. Due to the cellucotton is too much thick, and hard. so it usually made the cellucotton is punctured out of doll skin, or make the doll skin is hard. Due to 2nd generation heating is only changed on the heating plate, no any more on the circuit, so it has the same problem of 1st generation heating. Supplier lowered the heating power to avoid the TPE/ silicone melt or burn.

It seems like very reasonable, but due to the high molecular polymer is very bad on thermal transmission, so that the thick TPE/silicone doll skin can’t be warm. Again the thick and hard plate makes worker is hard to fix them in the mold, and at least 50% of body is lack of heating.

From above, the low power output and the small area of heating, the thick TPE/silicone skin, finally 2nd generation heating is useless to warm a doll.
Most of factories only show like 25degree and say it is working. But in fact you know it is just a room temperature.

In 2022, Starpery stopped the above old heating function, we reflected what the heating function is, and we get our conclusion that it should be above 1degree than our human being, 37.5degrees at least, while 40degrees, it is better to users. Then the doll is really warm.
In the past half year, we tested at least 5kinds of heating plates, from the cost, heating speed, energy transfer rate, softness and thickness, and safety, finally we choose the grapheme plate as our heating power transfer device. Pls see below pic or link to Youtube.    ( )

And we redefined 11 areas on our human body. Using different power to heat different body part. Especially the boobs, ass, and thigh. And we embed a CPU with 10 temperature sensors in the body also, the sensor can detect the heating temperature, and pass temperature data to CPU, finally CPU decides to power off or on them separately by it.

We also add Blue tooth wireless module on circuit and connect our APP, which is easy to customer to watch the heating process, and inspect each part temperature. You will find it is really funny to watch your doll become warm, the most important is your doll is real warm now, we tried to touch her and hug her, very fantasy.
Finally we attached the link which we test our new heating system 3.0, you can watch how it become warm and how warm it is. In the cold winter, hope it can warm you also.

This the first part of our new heating 3.0 sex doll development, we will introduce in second part about how fix them in the produce line. It is still a big projection also.

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