Starpery Barbie Event, Join us right now!

Starpery Barbie Event, Join us right now!
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Starpery Barbie Event, Join us right now!

Dear Starpery Fans,

We are holding a special Barbie Themed event at Times Square in New York. Our host, Gary Malick (yes, the same Malick that shoot the 2001 Space Odyssey movie) will be holding a FREE Doll contest. The winner with the most sensational selfie with our doll at Time Square will win. Please join us and have a blast. :glou:

Contact us and leave your information:
What'sapp: +8613479657418

Best regards!




This Event will be held this Sunday( from 11:30am to 3:00 pm) Join us and take your pictures to get your prize~~

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